È nata la Cooperativa Valcampola!

The Valcampola Cooperative was born!

From Resto del Carlino: “ The agreement has been signed between the Municipality of Vezzano sul Crostolo and the Valcampola di Pecorile Community Cooperative for the management of municipally owned premises in the center of the town. Yesterday was a great day of celebration for the delivery of the keys to the local community which finally recovered a necessary space for the services that had been missing for some time and a place of aggregation that the citizens felt the need for. Two years after the closure of the trattoria bar located in the Municipality premises and the cessation of the activity of the only food bakery in the town, after a public tender for the rental of the deserted property, the Municipality of Vezzano sul Crostolo has promoted a further call, however, with the formula of co-planning, a new tool through which Municipalities can activate forms of collaboration and shared administration, aimed at the general interest in favor of the local community. ”. KEEP READING
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