Working together for the common good, to improve people's well-being, developing a sustainable economy, capable of preserving the environment and the socio-relational balance of the community.

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There are countless variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum, but the majority have suffered changes over time, due to the insertion of ironic passages, or random sequences of characters which are clearly not believable. If you decide to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you want to be sure it doesn't contain anything embarrassing. Typically, placeholder text generators available on the internet tend to repeat predefined paragraphs, making this the first truly automatic generator on the internet. In fact, it uses a dictionary of over 200 Latin words, combined with a set of period structure models, to generate realistic text passages. The text thus generated is always free of repetitions, embarrassing or out of place words, etc.


There are countless variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum, but the majority have suffered changes over time, due to the insertion of ironic passages, or random sequences of characters which are clearly not believable. If you decide to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you want to be sure it doesn't contain anything embarrassing. Typically, placeholder text generators available on the internet tend to repeat predefined paragraphs, making this the first truly automatic generator on the internet. In fact, it uses a dictionary of over 200 Latin words, combined with a set of period structure models, to generate realistic text passages. The text thus generated is always free of repetitions, embarrassing or out of place words, etc.


There are countless variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum, but the majority have suffered changes over time, due to the insertion of ironic passages, or random sequences of characters which are clearly not believable. If you decide to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you want to be sure it doesn't contain anything embarrassing. Typically, placeholder text generators available on the internet tend to repeat predefined paragraphs, making this the first truly automatic generator on the internet. In fact, it uses a dictionary of over 200 Latin words, combined with a set of period structure models, to generate realistic text passages. The text thus generated is always free of repetitions, embarrassing or out of place words, etc.


The cooperative is managed by a Board of Directors made up of 5 members. The members of the Board of Directors have technical, professional and organizational skills that are important for the realization of the projects that the cooperative intends to implement. Find out more.


At the center of the cooperative's project is the reopening of the bar restaurant and nearby sales point in Pecorile in the property owned by the Municipality of Vezzano sul Crostolo, which will function on the one hand as a meeting and socialization place for the community of every age group with particular attention to the over 60s and to the promotion of the territory, where services at various levels for the community can be carried out, and on the other as a generator of economic and employment value by offering catering and tourist services for the patrons of the bar restaurant , for tourists, hikers, families. Find out more.


There is a tourist info point where you can find information on the natural, cultural and historical resources of Val Campola, equipped with an exhibition area of ​​traditional local craft products, panoramic photographs, maps of the paths that can be followed for excursions. Find out more.


The cooperative promotes the organization of events to celebrate history, traditions, culture, natural resources and local productions, allowing the community to pass on and enhance its historical roots and supporting cultural continuity over time. Find out more.


Being a community cooperative, it is configured and acts as a large network itself thanks to the active participation of its worker members, volunteers, users and contributors, all present in the area. To achieve its project objectives, it activates all possible synergies with other commercial, entrepreneurial, agricultural, associative, cultural and sporting entities that can contribute to the effectiveness of the project. Find out more.